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Ground or roof-mounted solar PV systems? Choose the best renewable energy option for your business

the best renewable energy option for your business

With the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) in its fifth year of operation, the interest in renewable energy is gaining momentum. Are you looking to maximise profit and future proof your business by installing a renewable energy system'

If so, harnessing the power of the sun is a popular option, with solar PV systems accounting for 87% of the total number of renewable energy installations in the UK (OFGEM). Businesses often ask whether their land gets enough sun to make investing in solar worthwhile. However, solar panels only require daylight and not sunlight to generate power.

If you've made the decision to go with solar, the next question to consider is whether to install a roof-mounted or a ground-mounted system.

But how do you know which system will best suit your business? Read on to find out.

Generate income from spare land with a ground-mounted PV system

A ground-mounted PV system may work best if you want to generate income from your spare land.

In fact, you don't even need to use the land exclusively for your solar PV system. If you're a farmer with small livestock, sheep or chickens for example, you can still let animals use your field, as the height of the system does not interfere with grazing.

And it's not just suitable for farmers. In fact, any large business that wants to make money by exporting unused electricity back to the grid could benefit from a ground-mounted solar PV system, as you'll have the space for a large-scale installation. What's more, you'll always have room for expansion as your business grows.

Make the most of your existing space with a roof-mounted PV system

Do you want to generate energy without taking up valuable land space? A roof-mounted solar PV system allows you to fit panels to buildings, generating electricity for your business.

If you're based on a farm or large-scale industrial or commercial site, you can generate most, if not all, of the electricity you need by installing panels on your roof.

Roof-mounted solar PV systems are also popular as they're often classed as 'permitted development'. This means that you don't need planning permission if you're looking to install a system of 1MW or below, provided there's a metre space between the panel and the edge of the roof.

Reduce your energy bills and achieve return on investment

Whether you decide to install a roof-mounted or a ground system depends on your location, as well as your personal preference.

However, in the right hands, both options are a sound investment, allowing you to cut your energy bills, generate sustainable income and reduce your carbon emissions.

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