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The future of energy is solar PV

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The future of electricity generation for use in the home is solar PV - a truly renewable energy source. In today's society, electricity can be used to power appliances, warm the house, heat water, charge your car and even stored for when it's needed. And all of this electricity can be obtained from energy derived directly from the sun.

Solar PV is still one of the greenest, cleanest methods of generating electricity for use in the home. Recent cuts to the Government funded Feed-in Tariff (FIT) incentive has seen a decline in the number of home owners interested in solar PV. As the technology matures and becomes more cost effective to install, the arguments in favour of solar have become stronger. Why? Because of an increase in demand. 

Across the Globe, the number of both small and large scale solar projects has dramatically increased and in line with this, so too has production which has brought the cost per unit down. This means that despite the cut in the FIT rate, here in the UK solar continues to be a worthwhile investment.  

Battery storage a hot topic.

Battery storage is the big news for solar PV at the moment. They enable electricity generated from solar panels during peak daylight hours to be stored for later use when the sun goes down. Previously, a lack of ability to store the electricity had been one of the few downsides to solar electricity production. Storage solutions have now thankfully taken a huge step forward over the past few months, guiding the homeowner towards the goal of self-sufficiency. Industry giants such as Tesla are investing heavily into battery research and manufacturing facilities to meet demand, drive down costs and increase reliability.

What are the benefits of storing electricity?

There are many benefits of storing electricity in the home. Energy generated during peak daylight hours can be retained for use when it is needed such as powering appliances in the evening or even charging electric vehicles over night. The ability to move towards becoming self-sufficient guards against the ever-increasing energy prices from providers. Without battery storage, excess energy is exported to the National Grid which can cause a surge during peak hours. Storing some of this energy reduces these surges, allowing the Grid better management of supply and demand. 

Own an electric car?

Or considering one in the near future? Charge it at home from solar electricity stored in a battery. There are now over 75,000 electric vehicles (EV) registered in the UK. The installation of home charging points has increased thanks to a £500 Government funded (EV) Plug-in car grant. And with the top 10 best-selling brands of car in the UK including an EV to their range, car giant Nissan is predicting that by 2020, charge points will out-number petrol stations.*

With solar PV beginning to take a grasp on the renewable energy market again, can you afford not to invest in the future?

To find out more about solar PV, battery storage and EV charge installation points, please get in touch

*Source https://www.theguardian/environment/2016/aug/04/electric-vehicle-charge-points-to-outnumber-petrol-stations-by-2020-say-nissan




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